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%cl: calview() | calview('list_file','foo.txt') % running from cl will always read list_file, gui interaction even if % open %check for list_file in command line %yes: qcaled(list_file), ac9init, calview(list_file,etc.) %no: "select file dialog, restart", qcaled %gui: CB: (must be current) %calview(list_file) %check for list_file in command line %yes: qcaled(list_file), ac9init, calview(list_file,etc.) %no: "select file dialog, restart", qcaled %qcaled has to update filename with any changes to filetext %ac9init gets qcal filename from qcaled, if ok then call calview %, open list_file %include in filename.udata the handle of the corresponding qcaled %check to see that are the same in ac9cal and % qcaled to make sure that qcaled hasn't been closed or modified %lock out qcaled when cv,cs,ts are running %closing qcaled should clear %has to be an active list_file to run calview and saved copy must %be up to date, make ac9calinit check for this %what if qcal.txt is modified outside of qcaled? % $$$ function calview(list_file,autorun,filetype) % $$$ % $$$ ac9calinit %get the contents of the list_file % $$$ % $$$ calviewinit, set up the figures % $$$ % $$$ for ifile, % $$$ calview_main, read the data and plot; modify; save % $$$ end % $$$ % $$$ qcalsave, query save of new qcal.txt % $$$ % $$$ return % Title: CALVIEW.M % Date: 02/2000 % Author: EB/SRW % Input: parfile:string % Output: [returns:dimension] % Files: list_file(qcal.txt) % Assumes: list_file in local dir with file names and intervals, % Order of wavelengths in *.dat file % a650 a676 a715 c510 c555 c630 a412 a440 a488 % c650 c676 c715 a510 a555 a630 c412 c440 c488 % Purpose: what do I do? % Calls: function names % Uses: ac9cal_cb % Example: calview() | calview('list_file','foo.txt') % NOTES: autorun []=all,man;>0=ran,man;0=all,auto % Now plots all wavelengths, zoom to see details. % Does not modify list_file if run from the command line. % User asked to save the modified filetext to qcal.txt % at the end program if run from ac9cal_gui. % Varargin passed to calview only update ac9.par in calview, % can't pass them on to ac9cal as function arguments, % not in correct form. %function fig=calview(list_file,autorun,filetype,prop,mode) function fig=calview(varargin) % $$$ h_ac9=findall(0,'Tag','ac9calFig'); % $$$ if isempty(h_ac9), % $$$ % No ac9cal gui, start and read defaults % $$$ end % $$$ ac9=ac9cal_cb('par_update'); [ac9calfig,ac9]=ac9cal; %assign command line parameters to local variables narg=length(varargin); nrow=narg/2; if nrow==round(nrow), for iarg=1:2:length(varargin), eval(['ac9.par.' varargin{iarg} '= varargin{iarg+1};']); end else display('calview: command line pairs not correctly formed'); return end %check that all parameters have been defined if isempty(ac9.par.prop), msgbox('Select an IOP, rerun calview'); return end if isempty(ac9.par.fluid), msgbox('Select a fluid, rerun calview'); return end if ac9.par.fluid, % 1 for water if ~isfield(ac9.par,'instr_num'), msgbox('Select an AC9, rerun calview'); return end if ~isfield(ac9.par,'Tref'), msgbox('Select a factory cal, rerun calview'); return end Tref=ac9.par.Tref; if isempty(Tref), msgbox('Tref is empty, check factory cal, rerun calview'); return end end qcal=qcaled_cb('list_load','list_file',ac9.par.list_file); fig=calviewplot(0); set(fig,'Userdata',ac9); calviewplot(1); filetext=qcal.FileText.str; fileval=qcal.FileText.val; channels=ac9.sort_channels; I=ac9.I; %index of channels from .dat file is sorted alphabetically ichannels=ac9.isort_channels; %index of channels in sorted array specdata=[]; stddata=[]; ndata=[]; leg_names=''; for ifile=1:length(fileval), %size(udata(1).list.fname,1), if(fileval(ifile)>0), ival=fileval(ifile); %file=deblank(udata(1).list.fname(ifile,:)) file=deblank(qcal.list.fname(ifile,:)); %add some check to make sure a commented line hasn't been chosen if filetext(ival,1)=='#', display('uncomment this file, save and rerun'); break; end set(findobj('Tag','FileText'),'Value',ival); if ac9.par.filetype==1 [temp,head]=read_ac9([file '.dat']); %[temp,head]=read_ac9(file); %eval(['temp=read_ac9(''' file '.dat'');']); temp=exciseit(temp,20); time=temp(:,1)/60000; chan=temp(:,2:19); itemp=temp(:,20); temp2=medfilt1(temp,15); time2=temp2(:,1)/60000; chan2=temp2(:,2:19); itemp2=temp2(:,20); else temp=read_strip([file '.da2']); %eval(['temp=read_strip(''' file '.da2'');']); time=temp(:,1)/60000; chan=temp(:,3:20); itemp=temp(:,21); temp2=medfilt1(temp,15); time2=temp2(:,1)/60000; depth2=temp2(:,2); chan2=temp2(:,3:20); itemp2=temp2(:,21); end; if ac9.par.fluid, %add wetlabs temperature correction %get Tcal from a list file,:); %Tcalfile=['watertemp_' ac9.par.instr_num '.txt']; Tcalfile=[ac9.par.instr_num ac9.par.Tcalfile]; Tcalfile=fullfile(ac9.par.calroot_dir, ac9.par.instr_num, ... ac9.par.Tcaldir, Tcalfile); qcal.list.tcal=read_text(Tcalfile); find( datenum(Tcaldate)==datenum(parse(qcal.list.tcal,1)) ); Tcal=0; if ~isempty(ans), Tcal=parse(qcal.list.tcal(ans(1),:),2); %add cal check if ~strcmp(Tcal,'Reserved'); Tcal=str2num(Tcal); else msgbox('Enter Tcal into line 5 of the qcal.txt and rerun'); close(fig); return end else qcal.list.tcal; disp(['Tcaldate is not in this list, check ' Tcalfile]); return end if Tcal>0, del_ts=ac9.par.sit*(Tcal-ac9.par.Tref); del_ts=[del_ts del_ts]; for irow=1:size(chan2,1), chan2(irow,:)=chan2(irow,:)-del_ts(I); end end end %put this data into the figure caldata.file=file; caldata.par=ac9.par; caldata.I=I; caldata.channels=channels; caldata.ichannels=ichannels; caldata.time2=time2; caldata.chan2=chan2; caldata.itemp2=itemp2; % $$$ t_lim=[str2num(udata(1).list.t1(ifile,:)) % $$$ str2num(udata(1).list.t2(ifile,:)) ]; t_lim=[str2num(qcal.list.t1(ifile,:)) str2num(qcal.list.t2(ifile,:)) ]; caldata.t_lim=t_lim; %put the data into the calplot user data set(findobj(fig,'Tag','calplot'),'Userdata',caldata); %put a spectral plot for entire range on same page %fill edit boxes on qcaled %get the time fields to pass as t_lim %put into calviewplot and get t_lim from fig.udata.t_lim calviewplot(2); % $$$ specdata=get(findobj('Tag','specplot'),'Userdata'); % $$$ stddata=get(findobj('Tag','stdplot'),'Userdata'); newdata=get(findobj(fig,'Tag','specplot'),'Userdata'); %save to calplot figure userdata udata=get(fig,'Userdata'); %wavelength should be global, get from udata.par.wave %udata(ifile).wave=par.wave; should be a structure array of the data %udata(ifile).file=file; %udata(ifile).specdata=newdata.specdata(end,:); %udata(ifile).nspecdata=udata(ifile).specdata - ... % udata(ifile).specdata(6); %udata(ifile).stddata=newdata.stddata(end,:); %udata(ifile).ndata=newdata.ndata(end,:);;,:); - ...;,:);,:); set(fig,'Userdata',udata); %leg_names=strvcat(leg_names,strrep(udata(ifile).file,'_','\_')); leg_names=strvcat(leg_names,strrep(,'_','\_')); if ~ac9.par.autorun x1_han(1)=findobj(fig,'Tag','calplot'); ax1 = axis(x1_han) ax1 = ax1(1) disp('press left mouse and hold to zoom in on an area'); disp('press left mouse to zoom out'); %disp('write down beginning and ending minute to use'); %disp('press return key to continue to next file '); disp('press return key to confirm zoom then press "go" to go to next file') disp(''); disp(''); uiwait(fig) % pause x2_han(1)=findobj(fig,'Tag','calplot'); ax2 = axis(x1_han) ax2 = ax2(1) if ax2 ~= ax1 figure(1) calviewplot(8) end %uiwait(fig); if isempty(get(findall(0,'Tag','goBut'),'Userdata')), break end end %ac9.par.autorun end end %ifile set(fig,'Close','delete(gcf)') %save list? %backup old list file %Query list_file save get(findobj('Tag','SaveBut'),'Value') if get(findobj('Tag','SaveBut'),'Value'), ButtonName=questdlg('Save list_file ?'); switch ButtonName, case 'Yes', qcaled_cb('save'); end end pooh=1; while(pooh) %Problem: file commented out of filetext during calview %Following: save original list of files, check that files are subset %of that list. %Better: ac9cal_update will parse the qcaled_gui into a structure and %put it into the figure userdata. This becomes locked while program %is running. Querry save at end if filetext has been changed, save %flag is up. % $$$ if ~get(findobj('Tag','SaveBut'),'Value'), udata=get(fig,'Userdata'); %Exclude files that have been commented out of filetext % $$$ tdata=get(findobj('Tag','FileText'),'Userdata'); % $$$ fval0=tdata.fval; %%%%%fval0=qcal.FileText.val % $$$ ac9cal_init %get new fval, not in qcaled.udata % $$$ tdata=qcaled_cb('parse'); %%%%%qcal=qcaled_cb('parse'); % $$$ udata=get(findobj('Tag','FileText'),'Userdata'); %tdata.fval must be a subset of fval0 % $$$ if all(ismember(qcal.FileText.val,fval0)), % $$$ for i=1:length(fval0), % $$$ find(fval0(i)==qcal.FileText.val) % $$$ if isempty(ans), % $$$[]; % $$$ leg_names(i,:)=[] % $$$ end % $$$ end % $$$ else % $$$ %else won't be needed if the uncomment is blocked during program run % $$$ msgbox(['files added which are not included in calview, ' ... % $$$ ' rerun calview with new files or run calspec']); % $$$ break % $$$ end %put a replot in to show overlay again after commenting out file %Move this up to show the spectra first % $$$ %Query to run a modified version of calspec using averages in data % $$$ ButtonName=questdlg('Show overlay of spectra, aka calspec?'); % $$$ switch ButtonName, % $$$ case 'Yes', % $$$ fig=calspecplot(0); % $$$ set(fig,'Userdata',udata); % $$$ calspecplot(1); % $$$ udata.han=calspecplot(2) % $$$ set(fig,'Userdata',udata); % $$$ calspecplot(3) % $$$ calspecplot(4) % $$$ udata.leg_names=leg_names; % $$$ a=legend(udata.han,udata.leg_names,-1); % $$$ udata.legend=a; % $$$ set(fig,'Userdata',udata); % $$$ end % $$$ end %save means last %Query write mean value files %Only wrote the first one, not using the file to get fval if ~ac9.par.spectra, meanBut=questdlg('What now?','', ... 'Save means and quit', ... 'Quit w/o saving means',... 'View spectra', ... 'View spectra'); else meanBut='View'; end switch meanBut(1:4), case 'Save', for ifile=1:length(, ispec=[udata.par.wave;;;]; save([ '.txt'],'ispec','-ascii'); pooh=0; end case 'Quit' pooh=0; otherwise fig=calspecplot(0); set(fig,'Userdata',udata); calspecplot(1); udata.han=calspecplot(2) set(fig,'Userdata',udata); calspecplot(3) calspecplot(4) udata.leg_names=leg_names; a=legend(udata.han,udata.leg_names,-1); udata.legend=a; set(fig,'Userdata',udata); if ~ac9.par.spectra, % $$$ listBut=questdlg('Edit list?') % $$$ switch listBut(1:2) % $$$ case 'Ye' % $$$ h=msgbox('Comment and save list, then press OK'); % $$$ set(h,'Delete',' uiresume( findobj(''Tag'',''calspecFig'')) ' ); % $$$ uiwait(fig); % $$$ end else ac9.par.spectra=0; end end end % while pooh return %OUTLINE %Select range of data(finalize), % Calc new stats and plot, % Makes new entries in filetext via qcaled, %Push go, % Save filetext to tempfile % Calc ave from time in list, save to calviewfig.udata(ifile).ave % and calviewfig.udata(ifile).name for writing later %Query filetext save % YES: % Writes qcal.txt file % Writes ave files % Calls calspec for comparison % NO: % Bails, no further action %TODO %Add Pegau temperature correction, % needs Tref from wetlabs cal % needs T of water during field calibration %qcaled('ac9 factory cal') % parse ac9cal.dat and put into factory.user % instrument and date list boxes % add inst and date to ac9cal_def like a,c for batching %change to qcaled to make updated put ac9calinit into qcaled, real %time update to a structure made available via qcaled.userdata %calviewplot('ac9_data') %serial number list box %cal location box %cal number, date list box, parse ac9cal.dat %tref list box %caltype button A | Q % % % %in calviewplot %calview from ac9cal_cb doesn't pick up the iop %Add calspec plotting to end of calview %Starting calview, calspec, ts-cal should disables add/remove buttons %Add tool tips to buttons %What about putting buttons into menus %Add zoom/unzoom in menu for each plot %Std/linreg plot doesn't come up with color symbols %Dump results and averages, old/new to dialog and querry save %Editting list should turn on save flag, check this flag before recalculating %Add reset option to copy filetext.udata -> filetext.string %Add ndata to data kept, have to change ts_cal input format, need to % calculate weighted average %Command line launch %uncommenting a file in qcaled after starting the program is bad %add Tref to calplot somewhere and note of correction