Difference between revisions of "PRR processing instructions"

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Change directory to where you want to process the files.
Change directory to where you want to process the files.
type "process_prr('pb#')" and pick ud casts similar to AC9 or HS6.
type "process_prr('pb#')" and pick ud casts similar to AC9 or HS6.

Revision as of 16:37, 13 February 2014

Change directory to where you want to process the files.

type "process_prr('pb#')" and pick ud casts similar to AC9 or HS6.

The file rqclist.txt must be present in the directory you're processing in. This tells the scripts what channels to look for.

#radq parameters for ED and LU were picked by examining
#a dozen profiles and picking where the profile turned to noise
#and averaging per wavelength
begin bbopradq parameters
-a 1ed412 0.0595 
-a 1ed443 0.0353
-a 1ed490 0.1631
-a 1ed510 0.1197
-a 1ed555 0.0313
-a 1ed665 0.0125
-a 1lu412 0.0003
-a 1lu443 0.0020
-a 1lu490 0.0011
-a 1lu510 0.0007
-a 1lu555 0.0002
-a 1lu665 0.0000
-a 2es412 0
-a 2es443 0
-a 2es490 0
-a 2es510 0
-a 2es555 0
-a 2es665 0