PRR processing instructions

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Change directory to where you want to process the files.

type "process_prr('pb#')" and pick ud casts similar to AC9 or HS6.

The file rqclist.txt must be present in the directory you're processing in. This tells the scripts what channels to look for.

  1. radq parameters for ED and LU were picked by examining
  2. a dozen profiles and picking where the profile turned to noise
  3. and averaging per wavelength

begin bbopradq parameters -a 1ed412 0.0595 -a 1ed443 0.0353 -a 1ed490 0.1631 -a 1ed510 0.1197 -a 1ed555 0.0313 -a 1ed665 0.0125 -a 1lu412 0.0003 -a 1lu443 0.0020 -a 1lu490 0.0011 -a 1lu510 0.0007 -a 1lu555 0.0002 -a 1lu665 0.0000 -a 2es412 0 -a 2es443 0 -a 2es490 0 -a 2es510 0 -a 2es555 0 -a 2es665 0