AC-9 specific instructions

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1. Copy wtr_d_030113a.dat wtr_d_030113b.dat wtr_d_030113c.dat into calibration working directory(three files made per cal)

2. Working directory will be /home/eriks/CALIBRATION/Wetlabs/AC-9/UCSB_Calibrations/AC-9_SN0184/2016/20160204/X_Calproc

3. Symbolic link files and rename for a and c channels

                        ln -s wtr_d_030113a.dat wtr_a_030113a.dat
                        ln -s wtr_d_030113a.dat wtr_c_030113a.dat

4. Update 184_watertemp.txt

5. Start matlab in the X_Calproc directory and type ac9cal

6. In the GUI, get list > Find > Add all wtr_a_xxx files, select Wtr and "a" radio buttons > save qcal_a.txt

7. Main GUI, select AC9 instrument, latest factory calibration date, 'a' radio button, 'use list file'

8. Hit CALVIEW and zoom on good section of each cal plot, then hit "GO" in the main GUI

9 Save and override qcal_a_txt, do for every spectra, then save means and quit.

10. Select "Auto adv" and hit calspec in main GUI, and override qcal_a.txt again

11. Hit ts_cal in the main GUI, if one of the spectra don't look good, you can "Comment line out" and it will add a # sign, then run through the processing again.

12. Lastly, link the ts_cal_dat files to wtr_....ave.txt file

                       ln -s a_ts_cal.dat wtr_a_030113_ave.txt

13. Repeat steps for c-calibration channel.

To review entire cal time series, go to /home/eriks/CALIBRATION/Wetlabs/AC-9/UCSB_Calibrations/AC-9_SN0184/cal_analysis and modify qcal_a/c files and a/c_ts_cal.dat files by appending data from the individual cal you just did. run ac9cal again, and go to the last step "ts_cal" running in the cal_analysis folder.