Revision as of 16:03, 2 August 2010 by (talk) (Created page with '<pre> function indmovavg() %created by Erik Stassinos %4/3/2010 %function to calculated moving independently of moving avg inside dspike %function. Both moving avg functions are…')
function indmovavg() %created by Erik Stassinos %4/3/2010 %function to calculated moving independently of moving avg inside dspike %function. Both moving avg functions are very similar %moving avg for independent case call %================================OPENS AND CREATES FILES=================== flag = 5; width_2 = (flag)/2; width_2 = ceil(width_2); sum =0; cnt=0; trap=0; hs6 =0; id = fopen('list_ac9dz'); if id == -1 id = fopen('list_hs6_s') if id ~= -1 hs6 = 1; optemp = fopen('optemp','w+'); end if id == -1 sprintf('CANNOT RUN INDEPENDENT MOVEAVG BECAUSE ITS DESIGNED TO BE RUN WITH SPLIT (list_ac9dz) FILE THAT CANNOT BE FOUND') return end end h1=0; while feof(id) ~=1 %used when making new list_ac9 tu = fgets(id); h1 = h1+1; end frewind(id) for i = 1:h1 clear h; clear h; clear m clear m1 clear matrix clear whole clear col mark dploc auglist whole derived loc r cnt sum row mavg field r = fgets(id); length(r); t = textscan(r,'%s'); p = char(t{1,:}); if hs6 ~= 1 %oneortwo = textscan(r,'%c') oneortwo = p(1,12:16); if strncmp(oneortwo,'lcd.1',5) ==1 pp1 = strrep(p,'.lcd.1','.lcd'); m1 = strcat('desp1',pp1);%pp1) mat1 = load(m1,'.ASC'); end if strncmp(oneortwo,'lcd.2',5) ==1 pp1 = strrep(p,'.lcd.2','.lcd'); m1 = strcat('desp2',pp1);%pp1) mat1 = load(m1,'.ASC'); end end if hs6 ==1 oneortwo = p(1,(10:14)) if strncmp(oneortwo,'lcd.1',5) ==1 pp1 = strrep(p,'.lcd.1','.datmat'); m1 = strcat(pp1,'.1');%pp1) mat1 = load(m1,'.ASC'); end if strncmp(oneortwo,'lcd.2',5) ==1 pp1 = strrep(p,'.lcd.2','.datmat'); m1 = strcat(pp1,'.2');%pp1) mat1 = load(m1,'.ASC'); end end matrix = mat1; if hs6~=1 fflag=0; ogfile = fopen(p); file = strrep(p,'dz','mdz') nfile1 = fopen(file,'r+') if nfile1 == -1 %if this is the first time fflag = 1; %if does not exist nfile1 = fopen(file,'w+') end end if hs6 ==1 ogfile = fopen(p); file = strcat('m',p); fflag =1; nfile1 = fopen(file,'w+'); end totalpts = length(matrix(:,1));%in{2} - in{1}; %totalptsup = in{4} - in{3}; %===========================END OPENS AND CREATES========================== %-----------gets length of one matrix line to get last 18 to despike------- field = length(matrix(1,:)); mark = field - 17; if hs6 ==1 mark =1; end for col = mark:field for row = 1:totalpts sum = 0; cnt = 0; if matrix(row,col) <-1000 || row <= width_2 || row > totalpts - width_2 mavg(row,col) = matrix(row,col); else for m = (row - width_2):(row+width_2) if matrix(m,col) < -1000 else sum = sum + matrix(m,col); cnt = cnt + 1; end end if cnt ==0 mavg(row,col) = -9.9E35; end mavg(row,col) = sum/cnt; end end end %=====================for getting oplist if files already dspiked stuff = 0; check=0; while strncmp(stuff,'<derived_parameters>',20) ~=1 stuff = fgets(ogfile); dploc = ftell(ogfile); end %=====================rest of list commands for already processed file u=0; t=0; count = 0; if hs6 ==1 frewind(ogfile); while ~feof(ogfile) tline = fgets(ogfile); if strncmp(tline,'<sampled_parameters>',20) ==1 break end end end command =0; while command ~= 1 check = fgets(ogfile); count = count +1; if strncmp(check,'<data>',6) == 1 break end t = t + 1; if t <=18 check(:,1:6); t; oplist(t,1:6) = check(:,1:6); if hs6 ==1 change = strcat('m-',check);%oplist(t,1:lenck)) fprintf(optemp,'%s\n',change); end end if t>18 oplist(t,1:8) = check(:,1:8)'; if hs6 ==1 if strncmp(check,'<derived_parameters>',20) == 1 break end change = strcat('m-',check);%oplist(t,1:lenck)) fprintf(optemp,'%s\n',change); end end if strncmp(check,'d-d-',4) ==1 u = u+1; auglist(u,:) = strcat('m-',check(:,1:8)); end if hs6 == 1 command = strncmp(check,'<derived_parameters>',20); end command = strncmp(check,'<data>',6); end cnt = count; if hs6 ~=1 if length(oplist(:,1)) <= 18 clear u for u = 1: length(oplist(:,1)) auglist(u,:) = strcat('m-',oplist(u,1:6)); end end end %-------------------------make out matricies loop---------------------- %---------------------------------------------------------------------- if fflag ==1 whole = zeros(totalpts,field+18); end %for up segments for c =1:length(matrix(1,:)); %for all 58 columns for k= 1:length(matrix(:,1))%for all the rows in downcastmatrix whole(k,c) = matrix(k,c); %puts origina stuff in for first 41 columns end end for r = 1:length(mavg(:,1))%totalptsdn %will skip last line because difference is one line less; it needs two lines count = 0; for c =mark:field%fielddn:fielddn+18;%length(diffdn(1,:)) count = count+1; whole(r,field+count) = mavg(r,c); end clear count end dlmwrite(strcat('movam',p),whole,'delimiter',' ','precision',6); %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %--------------------------end make out loop------------------------------- %------------writes down to derived parameters ogline = 0; %trip into loop %if fflag ==1 lock = ftell(ogfile); frewind(ogfile); while strncmp(ogline,'<derived_parameters>',20) ~=1 ogline = fgets(ogfile); fwrite(nfile1,ogline); derivedloc = ftell(nfile1); end % %------------loop to print oplist or aug after derived parameters----------------- if hs6 ==1 frewind(optemp) for ct = 1:cnt -1; op = fgets(optemp); fprintf(nfile1,'%s',op); end end if hs6 ~=1 if fflag ==1 %if working with old file fseek(nfile1,derivedloc,-1); for j = 1:length(oplist) fprintf(nfile1,'%s\n',oplist(j,:)); % fprintf(nfile2,'%s\n',oplist(j,:)); end for k = 1:length(auglist) fprintf(nfile1,'%s\n',auglist(k,:)); % fprintf(nfile2,'%s\n',auglist(k,:)); end end end fprintf(nfile1,'<data>\n'); ndatloc = ftell(nfile1); %-----------end loop to print oplist--------------------------------------- %==============part that actually writes matrix to lcd file============= min = fopen(strcat('movam',p)); %working with new file if fflag ==1 for o= 1:length(mavg(:,1))%totalptsdn ln = fgets(min); fprintf(nfile1,ln); end end fclose(min); %==============end write matrix to lcd =================================== %-----------notes filters that have already been used frewind(ogfile); while feof(ogfile)~=1 loc1 = ftell(ogfile); lnprev = fgets(ogfile); if strncmp(lnprev,'<filters_used>',14) == 1 %tests for filters used location fprintf(nfile1,'<filters_used>\n'); % fprintf(nfile2,'<filters_used>\n'); % fseek(ogfile,loc1,-1) fil = 0;% trip into loop count =0; while feof(ogfile) ~=1 %makes variable to hold each filter count = count +1; fil = fgets(ogfile); fwrite(nfile1,fil); % fwrite(nfile2,fil); eval(['filter',num2str(count) '= fil']); end end end %-----------end notes %-----------add to filters the indmovavg filters if hs6 ~=1 if (length(oplist) - 18) > 1 for b = 19:length(oplist); fprintf(nfile1,'%s', 'indmovavg '); fprintf(nfile1,'%s',oplist(b,:)); fprintf(nfile1,'%s %s\n', 'f',p); end end if length(oplist) - 18 <1 for b = 1:length(oplist); fprintf(nfile1,'%s', 'indmovavg '); fprintf(nfile1,'%s',oplist(b,:)); fprintf(nfile1,'%s %s\n', 'f',p); end end end if hs6 == 1 frewind(optemp) for ct = 1:cnt -1; op = fgets(optemp); fprintf(nfile1,'%s', 'indmovavg '); op = strcat(op,' '); fprintf(nfile1,'%s\n',[op ,' ', p]); end end mark = ftell(id); %-------make new list file if fflag ==1 frewind(id); h=0; r =1; %while feof(id) ~=1 if hs6 ~=1 for po=1:h1 %-1 r = po%-1; ac9 = fgets(id); t = textscan(ac9,'%s'); newlst = char(t{1,:}); newlst = strrep(newlst,'dz','mdz'); newl(r,:) = newlst; %strrep(newlst,'.lcd','.lcd.1'); %newl(h,:) = strrep(newlst,'.lcd','.lcd.2'); newl; end end if hs6==1 for po=1:h1 %-1 %h = h+2; r = po;%-1; var = fgets(id); %parameter for list t = textscan(var,'%s'); newlst = char(t{1,:}); newlst = strcat('m',newlst); newl(r,:) = newlst; %strrep(newlst,'.lcd','.lcd.1'); %newl(h,:) = strrep(newlst,'.lcd','.lcd.2'); newl; end end end fseek(id,mark,-1); end if hs6 ==1 dlmwrite('list_hs6_m',newl,''); end if strncmp(p,'dz',2) ==1 dlmwrite('list_ac9mdz',newl,''); end if hs6 ==1 delete optemp end disp('done with indmovavg')