Revision as of 16:04, 2 August 2010 by (talk) (Created page with '<pre> function binner() %created by Erik Stassinos %4/7/2010 %this is a binning script to cycle through each row and column %counts and outputs the number of bins it's made %loop…')
function binner() %created by Erik Stassinos %4/7/2010 %this is a binning script to cycle through each row and column %counts and outputs the number of bins it's made %loops through depth data until in finds a depth value greater or equal to %the bin end, since bin end is the binsize(1m) plus .5 it finds a value %greater or equal to .5 %when it finds this depth value it sets the window min to start and window %max to the counter %then is loops from min to max windows and looks for trapflag(-9.9E35) %n = window max - window min + 1 the it gets mean by if trapflag found mean %= value at trapflag, if n = 0 set trapflag, mean = mean plus data at %location, then mean = mean over n. %then adds values to end of rows plus bin count and n value %clear all %latest %% always finds a list file to open %==============--------loading stuff-----================= %upcast =0; downcast =0; error =0; format short e %cd(pb) %goes to correct dir error =0; testbin = fopen('list_ac9bmdz') if testbin ~= -1 warning('A list file suggesting binning has already been done exhists') disp('Binned files should not be reprocessed. If files are not binned but list is present, continue.') answer = input('do you want to continue anyways? y or n: ','s') if strncmp(answer,'n',1) == 1 return end end %id = fopen('list_ac9') id = fopen('list_ac9mdz'); if id == -1 % sprintf('running from dspike list, no movavg') error =1; id = fopen('list_ac9dz'); if id == -1 % sprintf('running from recal list, no dspike'); error =2; id = fopen('list_ac9') idtest = fgets(id); if id == -1 || idtest == -1 id = fopen('list_hs6_m'); error = 3; if id == -1 sprintf('Cannot find the list_ file, exiting') return end end end end h1=0; while feof(id) ~=1 %used when making new list_ac9 tu = fgets(id); h1 = h1+1;%counts number of files in list file end frewind(id); for i = 1:h1% %%%%%initialize%%%%% upcast=0; clear h matrix m1 start start_init first bin_end; winmin =0; winmax =0; dflag=0; %error =0; bin_end =0; n=0; themean=0; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% r = fgets(id); length(r); t = textscan(r,'%s'); p = char(t{1,:}) %converts filenam%properly %p = 'mdza110211x.lcd.1' %p = p; if error ~= 3 oneortwo = p(1,13:17); % oneortwo = p(1,12:16); <<===for testing with other format end if error ==3 oneortwo = p(1,(11:15)); end if strncmp(oneortwo,'lcd.1',5) ==1 downcast =1; if error == 1 m1 = strrep(p,'.lcd.1','.lcd'); m1 = strcat('desp1',m1); %mat1 = load(m1,'.ASC'); end if error == 2 desp('why here'); m1 = strrep(p,'z',''); m1 = strrep(m1,'.lcd','.zcal'); end if error == 3 m1 = strcat('mova',p); end if error == 0 m1 = strcat('mova',p); end mat1 = load(m1,'.ASC'); matrix = mat1; end if strncmp(oneortwo,'lcd.2',5) ==1 upcast =1; if error == 1 m1 = strrep(p,'.lcd.2','.lcd'); m1 = strcat('desp2',m1); % mat1 = load(m1,'.ASC'); end if error ==2 m1 = strrep(p,'z',''); m1 = strrep(m1,'.lcd','.zcal'); end if error == 3 m1 = strcat('mova',p); end pis = p; if error ==0 m1 = strcat('mova',p); end mat1 = load(m1,'.ASC'); matrix = mat1; end if upcast ==1%---------important flips if it's an upcast matrix matrix = flipud(matrix); end %=========----------end loading stuff-----================== %initializing stuff again %setting bin dimensions binsize =1; %aka "the bin" %changed from 1 bin_number =0; delta =0; winmax =0; winmin =0; %start_init =1; %initial start position is row 1 bincol_ac9 = 22; bincol_hs6 =2; if error ==3 bincol = bincol_hs6; else bincol = bincol_ac9; end start_init = matrix(1,bincol); if start_init > 1 start_init = floor(start_init); end if start_init < 1 start_init = abs(start_init); start_init = ceil(start_init); end start = start_init; %initial setting for start is the first row q = 1; first = 0; tflag =0; meanmat =[]; interv =0; %=================start of major loop============================== %================================================================== while q <= length(matrix(:,1))% test for small amount %if downcast ==1 if start_init <= start && start <= length(matrix(:,1)) %============internal original"downcast"======= if q ==1 %for first time around bin_end = binsize +.5; first = bin_end; bin_number =0; else first = bin_end; end if q ~= 1 bin_end = first + 1;%bin_end;%binsize; end %=============== for h = start:length(matrix(:,bincol)) %length of column 22 dflag =0; delta = abs(matrix(h,bincol)); %delta value is absolute of depth value if delta >= bin_end winmax = h - 1; winmin = start; dflag =1; interv = interv +1; break end end %============= themean =0; winmax; winmin; n = winmax - winmin +1; for c = 1:length(matrix(1,:)) for r = winmin:winmax if matrix(r,c) < -8.9E35 tflag =1; end format long e themean = themean + matrix(r,c); end if n ==0 format short e themean = -9.9E35; else if tflag ==1 format short e themean = -9.9E35; %end else themean = themean/n; end end %counts how many times the mean is taken, should be 95 per row meanmat(interv,c) = themean; % write compact mean matrix. if c == length(matrix(1,:)) meanmat(interv,c+1) = interv; meanmat(interv,c+2) = n; end % if meancount == length(matrix(1,:)) %if it's done all 95 columns increase counter and write %row = row +1 %end themean =0; %resets at end of loop tflag =0; end %==============end internal "downcast"========== q = q+1; %update counter for size of matrix start = h; bin_number = bin_number + binsize; end end %============================================================== %===============end of major loop============================== if upcast ==1 % meanmat = flipud(meanmat); end dlmwrite(strcat('binmat',p),meanmat,'delimiter',' ','precision',6); %puts binner in name and writes new mean matrix %========================================================================= %========================================================================= %-------------------for writing%file------------------------------------ fflag=0; ogfile = fopen(p); if error == 0 file = strrep(p,'mdz','bmdz'); end if error ==1 file = strcat('b',p); end if error ==3 file = strcat('b',p); end nfile1 = fopen(file,'r+'); if nfile1 == -1 %if this is the first time fflag = 1; %if does not exist nfile1 = fopen(file,'w+'); end %------------writes down to derived parameters ogline = 0; %trip into loop %if fflag ==1 frewind(ogfile); while strncmp(ogline,'<data>',6) ~=1 datloc = ftell(nfile1); ogline = fgets(ogfile); fwrite(nfile1,ogline); derivedloc = ftell(nfile1); end %------------end %------------insert bin parameters----- fseek(nfile1,datloc,-1); fprintf(nfile1,'%s\n','bin#_1.0_1depth') fprintf(nfile1,'%s\n','pts/bin') fprintf(nfile1,'%s\n','<data>') datainsert = ftell(nfile1); %==============part that actually writes matrix to lcd file============= min = fopen(strcat('binmat',p)); % minup = fopen(strcat('desp2m',p)); %working with new file if fflag ==1 fseek(nfile1,datainsert,-1); for o= 1:length(meanmat(:,1))%totalptsdn ln = fgets(min); fprintf(nfile1,ln); end end %-----------notes filters that have already been used frewind(ogfile); %makers sure it will catch the filters_used in ogfile %frewind(nfile1) while feof(ogfile)~=1 loc1 = ftell(ogfile); lnprev = fgets(ogfile); if strncmp(lnprev,'<filters_used>',14) == 1 %tests for filters used location fprintf(nfile1,'<filters_used>\n'); %writes filters used in same loc in new file fil = 0;% trip into loop count =0; while feof(ogfile) ~=1 %makes variable to hold each filter count = count +1; fil = fgets(ogfile); fwrite(nfile1,fil); end end end %-----------end notes %adds bin function to filters fprintf(nfile1,'%s', 'binner '); fprintf(nfile1,'%s','1 '); fprintf(nfile1,'%s',' '); fprintf(nfile1,'%s\n',p); if error ~=3 demfile = strrep(p,'mdz','bmdz'); end if error ==3 demfile = file; end deemmer(demfile); %makes new list %frewind(id) % for po=1:h1 %-1 % %h = h+2; % r = po%-1; % ac9 = fgets(id); % t = textscan(ac9,'%s'); % newlst = char(t{1,:}); if error ~=3 newlst(i,:) = strrep(p,'mdz','bmdz'); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end if error ==3 newlst(i,:) = strrep(p,'m','bm') end clear themean clear n clear tflag clear demfile nfile1 loc1 matrix tflag interv tflag r winmax winmin c clear meanmat start delta bin_end q ln datloc ogline fflag h bin_number clear start_init end if error ~= 3 dlmwrite('list_ac9bmdz',newlst,''); end if error ==3 dlmwrite('list_hs6_bm',newlst,''); end disp('done with binner')