Revision as of 14:45, 5 August 2010 by (talk) (Created page with '<pre> function dspike() %created by Erik Stassinos %3/16/10 %%the infile will will be the whole lcd file %despike function with hard coded trend of .01 and flag of 15 %first diff…')
function dspike() %created by Erik Stassinos %3/16/10 %%the infile will will be the whole lcd file %despike function with hard coded trend of .01 and flag of 15 %first difference methode is used for despike processing %if difference between data value "a" and "b" is greater than .01 than the %new field in line a will contain the average of 15 pts surrounding "a" %as same as old processing, running dspike twice will be hard coded as well %as derived parameters d-a650, d-d-a650 which is in bbop scripts %list_sdespike %cd(pb) id = fopen('list_ac9'); if id == -1 id = fopen('list_hs6') if id ~= -1 hs6 =1; else disp('Cannot find list file. Exiting') return end end h1=0; while feof(id) ~=1 tu = fgets(id); h1 = h1+1; %to get # loop iterations end frewind(id); for i = 1:h1 %clear h1; r = fgets(id); length(r); t = textscan(r,'%s'); p = char(t{1,:}); %p is the name of the lcd file being processed from list_ac9 [in,mer,dep] = index1(p); %has locations in data for processing %-now need to get to locations %%------------------------main despike----------------------------------- linecount = 0; file = fopen(p); trend = .01; %<=preset from original processing flag = 15; %<=preset from original processing % % --------------------splits upcasts and downcasts %hard coded 4 casts fflag =0; endflag =0; if strncmp(p,'x',1) ==1 endflag =1; end ogfile = fopen(p); file = strrep(p,'z','dz'); nfile1 = fopen(strrep(file,'.lcd','.lcd.1'),'r+'); if nfile1 == -1 %if this is the first time dspike is run it will set the flag to 1 and create a new dz.....lcd file fflag =1; %if does not exist nfile1 = fopen(strrep(file,'.lcd','.lcd.1'),'w+'); end nfile2 = fopen(strrep(file,'.lcd','.lcd.2'),'r+'); if nfile2 == -1 nfile2 = fopen(strrep(file,'.lcd','.lcd.2'),'w+'); end %=============first time if fflag ==1 m = strrep(p,'z',''); m = strrep(m,'.lcd','.zcal'); mat = load(m,'.ASC'); %format long %ptsfordncastatrix = in{2} - in{1} %in2 = in{2} %in1 = in{1} %important these are clear every loop clear ij clear downcastmatrix clear upcastmatrix clear diffdn clear diffup width = length(mat(1,:)); for ij = in{1}:1:in{2}; downcastmatrix(ij-(in{1}-1),:) = mat(ij,1:width); %starts from 1 and goes to in2 end for r = in{3}:in{4}; upcastmatrix(r-(in{3}-1),:) = mat(r,1:width); end end %============ %============if done before if fflag ~=1 %gets matrix name to read m1 = strcat('desp1d',p); mat1 = load(m1,'.ASC'); m2 = strcat('desp2d',p); mat2 = load(m2,'.ASC'); % for i = in{1}:1:in{2}; % downcastmatrix(i-(in{1}-1),:) = mat1(i,:); %starts from 1 and goes to in2 downcastmatrix = mat1; upcastmatrix = mat2; sizemat1 = size(mat1); % disp('line 110') sizeoldup = size(upcastmatrix); sizeolddn = size(downcastmatrix); end %=========== endif done before %--------------------end splits %------------------------------------------------------------------------ %------------------------------------------------------------------------ %--------------------computes difference in points for up and down------- %------------------------------------------------------------------------ clear totalptsdn clear totalptsup %disp('line 126') totalptsdn = in{2} - in{1}; totalptsup = in{4} - in{3}; %-------------if first time processed %downcast matrix consists only wavelengths which will be processed with dspike rd=0; if fflag ==1 for cdn = 2:19 %shifted over by 1 and lost one point due to 1mer removal %while cdn+1 ~=41 cdn ; for rd = 1:length(downcastmatrix(:,1))%totalptsdn if rd == 1 diffdn(rd,cdn) = abs(downcastmatrix(rd,cdn) - downcastmatrix((rd+1),cdn)); else diffdn(rd,cdn)=abs(downcastmatrix(rd,cdn)-downcastmatrix((rd-1),cdn)); %commented end end clear rd for rd = 1:length(downcastmatrix(:,1)) if diffdn(rd,cdn) > trend;%all lines are the same after column 28 since they have been inserted from every 10th row and coppied therefore there is no diffdn(720,28+) diffdn(rd,cdn); downcastmatrix(rd,cdn); movavgdn(rd,cdn) = moavg(flag,diffdn,rd,cdn,downcastmatrix,trend,totalptsdn); movavgdn(rd,cdn); end end end for cu = 2:19 %while cu+1 ~=41 for ru = 1:length(upcastmatrix(:,1))%totalptsup%length(upcastmatrix(:,1))%totalptsup if ru ==1 %diffup(ru,cu) = abs(upcastmatrix(ru,cu) - upcastmatrix((ru+1),(cu))); diffup(ru,cu) = abs(upcastmatrix(ru,cu) - upcastmatrix((ru+1),(cu))); else diffup(ru,cu) = abs(upcastmatrix(ru,cu) - upcastmatrix((ru-1),(cu))); end end clear ru for ru = 1:length(upcastmatrix(:,1)) if diffup(ru,cu) > trend movavgup(ru,cu) = moavg(flag,diffup,ru,cu,upcastmatrix,trend,totalptsup); end end end end %-------------end if first time %disp('line 188 after it calculates movavg and diffup') %iffirstsizediffdn = size(diffdn); %iffirstsizediffup = size(diffup); %iffirstsizemovavgdn = size(movavgdn); %lengthdowncastmatrix_forloop = length(downcastmatrix(:,1)); %=================if not done before %disp('berfore here?') if fflag ~=1 clear diffdn clear movavgdn clear diffup clear movavgup clear cdn clear rd for cdn = 42:59 for rd = 1:length(downcastmatrix(:,1));%totalptsdn %format long if rd ==1 diffdn(rd,cdn) = abs(downcastmatrix(rd,cdn) - downcastmatrix((rd+1),(cdn))); %diffdn or up will be empty until the correct column location in the data matrix else diffdn(rd,cdn)= abs(downcastmatrix(rd,cdn) - downcastmatrix((rd-1),cdn)); end end clear rd for rd = 1:length(downcastmatrix(:,1)); if diffdn(rd,cdn) > trend ; %all lines are the same after column 28 since they have been inserted from every 10th row and coppied therefore there is no diffdn(720,28+) movavgdn(rd,cdn) = moavg(flag,diffdn,rd,cdn,downcastmatrix,trend,totalptsdn); end end end clear ru clear cu for cu = 42:59 for ru = 1:length(upcastmatrix)%totalptsup if ru ==1 diffup(ru,cu) = abs(upcastmatrix(ru,cu) - upcastmatrix((ru+1),(cu))); else diffup(ru,cu) = abs(upcastmatrix(ru,cu) - upcastmatrix((ru-1),(cu))); end end clear ru for ru = 1:length(upcastmatrix) if diffup(ru,cu) > trend; movavgup(ru,cu) = moavg(flag,diffup,ru,cu,upcastmatrix,trend,totalptsup); end end end sizediffdn = size(diffdn); sizediffup = size(diffup); diffdn59 = diffdn(1,59); end %==============end if done before %------------------------------------------------------------------------ %------------end computes difference--------------------------- %------------------------------------------------------------------------ %------------------------------------------------------------------------ %------------writes down to derived parameters ogline = 0; %trip into loop if fflag ==1 while strncmp(ogline,'<derived_parameters>',20) ~=1 ogline = fgets(ogfile); fwrite(nfile1,ogline); fwrite(nfile2,ogline); derivedloc = ftell(nfile1); end end %------------end writes %-------check to see if already despiked if so write 'd-d-' check =0; u= 0; clear stuff stuff = 0; %=====================for getting oplist if files already dspiked if fflag ~=1 % loca = ftell(nfile1) %frewind(nfile1) while strncmp(stuff,'<derived_parameters>',20) ~=1 % %stuff = fgets(ogfile); stuff = fgets(nfile1); if strncmp(stuff,'a650ref',7); % oplist(1,:) = (strcat('d-',stuff(:,1:4))'); num = 2; for tr = num:18 stuff = fgets(nfile1); % %oplist(2,:) = strcat('d-',stuff(:,1:4)) oplist(tr,:) = strcat('d-',stuff(:,1:4)); end end dploc = ftell(nfile1); end %=====================end for getting %=====================rest of list commands for already processed file while strncmp(check,'<data>',6) ~= 1 u = u+1; check = fgets(nfile1); if strncmp(check,'d-',2) ==1 auglist(u,:) = strcat('d-',check(:,1:6)); end end end %====================end of rest for already processed %-------end check %--------------------creating new oplist if not already processed clear u stuff = 0; %trip into loop that makes list of derived if fflag == 1; %frewind(nfile1) frewind(ogfile) while strncmp(stuff,'<derived_parameters>',20) ~=1 stuff = fgets(ogfile); if strncmp(stuff,'a650ref',7); oplist(1,:) = (strcat('d-',stuff(:,1:4))'); num = 2; for yt = num:18 stuff = fgets(ogfile); %oplist(2,:) = strcat('d-',stuff(:,1:4)) oplist(yt,:) = strcat('d-',stuff(:,1:4)); end end end end %---------------------end of creating new file %%-------------------------make output file----------------------------- %downcast 1 upcast 2 %-------------------------make out matricies loop---------------------- %---------------------------------------------------------------------- %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % % %allocate space for entire matrix information + new %oplist is the list of wavelengths if fflag ==1 wholedn = zeros(totalptsdn,(41+length(oplist))); wholeup = zeros(totalptsup,(41+length(oplist))); %disp('writes to wholedn') %sizewholedn = size(wholedn) op = length(oplist); end if fflag ~= 1 wholedn = zeros(totalptsdn,(41+length(oplist) + length(auglist))); wholeup = zeros(totalptsup,(41+length(oplist) + length(auglist))); aug = length(auglist); op = length(oplist); sizeofwholedn = size(wholedn); end %at this point it's needed to write the entire matrix to the new lcd up and %down files %to do this, the original data will be inserted in the whole-up/dn matrix %in its proper location, then depending on weather diff > trend, either the %movavg points will be inserted or the original points will be %starts here %if this is the second time dspike is used the original dspiked matrix will %be augmented again with new d-d- columns %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ %for down segments if fflag ==1 %first time for c =1:length(downcastmatrix(1,:)); %for all 58 columns for k= 1:length(downcastmatrix(:,1))%for all the rows in downcastmatrix wholedn(k,c) = downcastmatrix(k,c); %puts origina stuff in for first 41 columns end end clear r clear c %size(downcastmatrix) %size(diffdn) %diffdn(720,2) count =0; for c =2:19 ;%length(diffdn(1,:)) % count = 0; count = count+1; for r = 1:length(diffdn(:,1))%totalptsdn %will skip last line because difference is one line less; it needs two lines if diffdn(r,c) > trend; wholedn(r,41+count) = movavgdn(r,c); % nowassn = wholedn(r,41+count) %break %return%---------------------------------------------- else wholedn(r,41+count) = downcastmatrix(r,c); end end end clear c %for up segments for c =1:length(upcastmatrix(1,:)); %for all 58 columns for k= 1:length(upcastmatrix(:,1)) %for all the rows in downcastmatrix wholeup(k,c) = upcastmatrix(k,c); %puts origina stuff in for first 41 columns end end clear r count = 0; for c =2:19; %length(diffdn(1,:)) count = count+1; for r = 1:length(diffup(:,1));%totalptsup; if diffup(r,c) > trend; wholeup(r,41+count) = movavgup(r,c); else wholeup(r,41+count) = upcastmatrix(r,c); end end end clear count nname = strrep(p,'za','dza'); justbeforeitwrites = size(wholedn); dlmwrite(strcat('desp1',nname),wholedn,'delimiter',' ','precision',6); dlmwrite(strcat('desp2',nname),wholeup,'delimiter',' ','precision',6); end %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ %adds data to wholedn if already done before if fflag ~=1 for c =1:length(downcastmatrix(1,:)); %for all 58 columns for k= 1:length(downcastmatrix(:,1))%totalptsdn ;%for all the rows in downcastmatrix wholedn(k,c) = downcastmatrix(k,c); %puts origina stuff in for first 41 columns end end clear r clear c for r = 1:length(diffdn(:,1));%totalptsdn; count = 0; for c =42:59 ;%length(diffdn(1,:)) count = count+1; if diffdn(r,c) > trend; wholedn(r,59+count) = movavgdn(r,c); else wholedn(r,59+count) = downcastmatrix(r,c); end end clear count end clear c %for up segments for c =1:length(upcastmatrix(1,:)); %for all 58 columns for k= 1:length(upcastmatrix(:,1))%totalptsup; %for all the rows in downcastmatrix wholeup(k,c) = upcastmatrix(k,c); %puts origina stuff in for first 41 columns end end clear r for r = 1:length(diffup(:,1));%totalptsup; count = 0; for c =42:59; %length(diffdn(1,:)) count = count+1; if diffup(r,c) > trend; wholeup(r,59+count) = movavgup(r,c); else wholeup(r,59+count) = upcastmatrix(r,c); end end clear count end nname = strrep(p,'za','dza')%=====================6666666666666666666666666666 %nname = strcat('d',p) dlmwrite(strcat('desp1',nname),wholedn,'delimiter',' ','precision',6); dlmwrite(strcat('desp2',nname),wholeup,'delimiter',' ','precision',6); end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %--------------------------end make out loop------------------------------- %------------loop to print oplist or aug after derived parameters----------------- if fflag == 1; %if creating new file for j= 1:length(oplist); fprintf(nfile1,'%s\n',oplist(j,:)); fprintf(nfile2,'%s\n',oplist(j,:)); end fprintf(nfile1,'<data>\n'); fprintf(nfile2,'<data>\n'); end %=================== if fflag ~=1 %if working with old file fseek(nfile1,dploc,-1); fseek(nfile2,dploc,-1); for j = 1:length(oplist) fprintf(nfile1,'%s\n',oplist(j,:)); fprintf(nfile2,'%s\n',oplist(j,:)); end for k = 1:length(auglist) fprintf(nfile1,'%s\n',auglist(k,:)); fprintf(nfile2,'%s\n',auglist(k,:)); end fprintf(nfile1,'<data>\n'); fprintf(nfile2,'<data>\n'); ndatloc = ftell(nfile1); end %================== %------end loop for oplist or aug----------------------------------------------- %==============part that actually writes matrix to lcd file============= mindn = fopen(strcat('desp1',nname)); minup = fopen(strcat('desp2',nname)); %working with new file if fflag ==1 for o= 1:length(diffdn(:,1))%totalptsdn ln = fgets(mindn); fprintf(nfile1,ln); end for o= 1:length(diffup(:,1))%totalptsup ln = fgets(minup); fprintf(nfile2,ln); end end %if working with already created file if fflag ~=1 fseek(nfile1,ndatloc,-1) fseek(nfile2,ndatloc,-1) for o= 1:length(diffdn(:,1));%totalptsdn ln = fgets(mindn); fprintf(nfile1,ln); end for o= 1:length(diffup(:,1));%totalptsup ln = fgets(minup); fprintf(nfile2,ln); end end fclose(mindn); fclose(minup); %==============end write matrix to lcd =================================== %-----------notes filters that have already been used frewind(ogfile); %frewind(nfile1) while feof(ogfile)~=1 loc1 = ftell(ogfile); lnprev = fgets(ogfile); if strncmp(lnprev,'<filters_used>',14) == 1 %tests for filters used location fprintf(nfile1,'<filters_used>\n'); fprintf(nfile2,'<filters_used>\n'); % fseek(ogfile,loc1,-1) fil = 0;% trip into loop count =0; while feof(ogfile) ~=1 %makes variable to hold each filter count = count +1; fil = fgets(ogfile); fwrite(nfile1,fil); fwrite(nfile2,fil); eval(['filter',num2str(count) '= fil']); end end end %-----------end notes %-----------add to filters the dspiked filters for b = 1:length(oplist); fprintf(nfile1,'%s', 'dspike '); fprintf(nfile1,'%s',oplist(b,:)); fprintf(nfile1,'%d %d\n', trend,flag); fprintf(nfile2,'%s', 'dspike '); fprintf(nfile2,'%s',oplist(b,:)); fprintf(nfile2,'%d %d\n', trend,flag); end if fflag ~=1 %fseek(nfile1,loc1,-1); fprintf(nfile1,'%s', 'dspike '); fprintf(nfile1,'%s',oplist(b,:)); fprintf(nfile1,'%d %d\n', trend,flag); fprintf(nfile2,'%s', 'dspike '); fprintf(nfile2,'%s',oplist(b,:)); fprintf(nfile2,'%d %d\n', trend,flag); for b = 1:length(auglist); fprintf(nfile1,'%s', 'dspike '); fprintf(nfile1,'%s',auglist(b,:)); fprintf(nfile1,'%d %d\n', trend,flag); end clear b %fseek(nfile2,loc2,-1) for b = 1:length(auglist); fprintf(nfile2,'%s', 'dspike '); fprintf(nfile2,'%s',auglist(b,:)); fprintf(nfile2,'%d %d\n', trend,flag); end end %-------------update list_ac9-------------- mark = ftell(id); if fflag ==1 frewind(id); h=0; r =1; for po=1:h1 %-1 h = h+2; r = h-1; ac9 = fgets(id); t = textscan(ac9,'%s'); newlst = char(t{1,:}); newlst = strrep(newlst,'z','dz'); newl(r,:) = strrep(newlst,'.lcd','.lcd.1'); newl(h,:) = strrep(newlst,'.lcd','.lcd.2'); end %if strncmp(p,'z',1) ==1 dlmwrite('list_ac9dz',newl,''); %end end fseek(id,mark,-1); fclose(ogfile); if endflag==1 break end end fclose all;