E BBstrip.m
Revision as of 14:51, 5 August 2010 by (talk) (Created page with '<pre> function out = E_BBstrip(pb,infile,varargin)%(,infile) %created by Erik Stassinos 2/22/10 %created to replace bbopstrip %this program takes input parameters and the pb numb…')
function out = E_BBstrip(pb,infile,varargin)%(,infile) %created by Erik Stassinos 2/22/10 %created to replace bbopstrip %this program takes input parameters and the pb number %program locates corresponding column and row positions and writes data to %output file which is same as input whith .strip added %start in processing dir %infile = 'a110211a.dat.lcd' %cd(pb) clear s it =0; t=0; tfound =1; hs6proc =0; %dir *a110211*.dat %infiles = ls(['a110211a'*'.dat']) %=================test to see if varargin has one file or list of params vartest = fopen(varargin{1}); %================= %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dirname = pwd; pattern = fullfile(Dirname,'*.lcd') directory = dir(pattern); directory(1).name; directory(2).name; size(directory); %ignores other .lcd extensions and goes for original if it's been processed %already for r = 1:size(directory); if strncmp(directory(r).name,'z',1) ==1 continue end if strncmp(directory(r).name,'d',1) == 1 continue end lcdflist(r,:) = directory(r).name; end lcdfile = infile s = strrep(lcdfile,'z',''); %changes name to open data matrix s = strrep(s,'.lcd','.zcal'); if vartest == -1 if varargin{2} == 'i' t = 1; end end if length(varargin) >2 if varargin{3} == 'i' t=1; end end if length(varargin) >2 || t == 1 %varargin{2} == 'i' %if varargin{2} == 'i' || varargin{3} == 'i' if t ==1 sprintf('i is true'); %run independently it =1; s = strrep(s,'.zcal','.lcd'); s = strrep(lcdfile,'.lcd','.datmatrix'); %s = strrep(lcdfile,'dat.lcd','.datmatrix') end end %if taking in a file that has a list it assumes that it's being run by %merge_ctdac9 if vartest ~=-1 s = strrep(lcdfile,'bmd','binmatmd'); end if strncmp(varargin{1},'hydro_time',10) == 1 hs6proc =1 s = strrep(infile,'.lcd','.datmat'); end fp = load(s,'.ASC'); in = fopen(lcdfile); linecount = 1; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %if input is a file instead of a parameter it gets number of params and %loads looplength = length(varargin); countvar =1; if length(varargin) == 1 && vartest ~=-1 var = fopen(varargin{1}); while feof(var) ~= 1 fgets(var); countvar = countvar + 1; end frewind(var); for i = 1:countvar varargin{i} = fgets(var); end looplength = countvar ; end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %------------------------------gets arguments position---------------------- i=1; if it == 1 %varargin{3} == 'i')%length(varargin) ==3 looplength = length(varargin) -1; end if vartest ~=-1 varcounter = 1; frewind(vartest); while feof(vartest) ~=1 tline = fgets(vartest); tline = strtrim(tline); vararg{varcounter,:} = tline; %fgets(vartest) varcounter = varcounter +1; end tfound = 0; found =0; looplength = varcounter -1; end ic =0; %initialize variable for hs6 loop counter found =0; while i < looplength +1 %length(varargin)+1 %because while statement, has to be one over the actual < while ~feof(in) %end of file tester l = fgets(in); if linecount == 2 head = l; end if linecount ==3 && tfound ~= 1 %so not to interfere with head location just skips to third line threepos = ftell(in); end linecount = linecount +1; %keeps counting lines until it's found the first thing looking for if vartest == -1 && hs6proc ~=1 if strncmp(l,varargin{i},length(varargin{i})) ==1; column = (linecount -16); % val = column; eval(['locin',num2str(i) '= column']) ; break end end if vartest == -1 && hs6proc ==1 if strncmp(l,varargin{i},length(varargin{i})) ==1; if strncmp(l,varargin{1},length(varargin{i})) ==1; prevleng = linecount %sets first part of params to one. takes in total lines before first param pl = 1; end column = (linecount - prevleng); if pl ==1 column = (linecount -prevleng +1); %used to be 38 for latest HS6 processing end eval(['locin',num2str(i) '= column']) ; break end end if vartest ~=-1 %for processing of list file if strncmp(l,'<derived_parameters>',20) ==1 %line does not count linecount = linecount -1; end if strncmp(l,vararg{i},length(vararg{i,:})) ==1 % disp('=======in here for column assgn++++++++') %Because there are some descrepencies between the zeroth column as seen by the computer and %the 1st column seen by matlab some offsets need to be done in order to get %the correct column. Also, because there are section header < > neglected %it is important to remove those from the column count. %first header doesn't count but sampled and derived do for first %run through column = linecount -20; if found == 0 column = linecount -21; end found = found +1; if found < looplength fseek(in,threepos,-1); linecount =3; %goes to third line and starts fresh tfound = 1; %clear column end break end end end x(:,i) = fp(:,column);%places column data in to columns in x if column ==22 && vartest ==-1 && hs6proc ~=1 x(:,i) = -1*x(:,i); end if hs6proc ==1 if column ==2 x(:,i) = -1*x(:,i); end end i = i +1; end %--------------------------------end gets---------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %cd('processing') if length(varargin) == 2 output = fopen(strrep(lcdfile,'.lcd','.lcd.strip'),'w+');%creates .lcd.strip end if length(varargin) > 2 if it == 1 %varargin{3} =='i' %delete output % cd('processing') pwd output = fopen(strrep(lcdfile,'.lcd','.lcd.strip'),'w+') if varargin{3} == 'i' %cd .. end end end if vartest ==-1 output = fopen(strcat(lcdfile,'.strip'),'w+') end if vartest ~= -1 output = fopen(strcat(lcdfile,'.strip'),'w+') end if vartest == -1 fprintf(output,'%s','#',head); if length(varargin) >2 for i = 1:length(varargin) -1 fprintf(output,'%s %s\n','#',varargin{i}); end else for i = 1:length(varargin) fprintf(output,'%s %s\n','#',varargin{i}); end end for t = 1:length(x); fprintf(output,'%f %f\n',x(t,:)); end end %need to create temporary output matrix because matlab sucks at string %formating for columns if vartest ~=-1 for cfoy = 1:length(x(:,1)) for cfox = 1:length(x(1,:)); p(cfoy,cfox) = x(cfoy,cfox); end end if strncmp(lcdfile(1,length(lcdfile)),'2',1) ==1 lcdfile(1,length(lcdfile)); end dlmwrite('temp_merge',p,'delimiter',' ','precision',6); tm = fopen('temp_merge','r'); fprintf(output,'%s','#',head); for i = 1:length(vararg) fprintf(output,'%s%s\n','#',vararg{i}); end while ~feof(tm) tml = fgets(tm); fprintf(output,'%s\n',tml); end delete temp_merge end sprintf('done with E_BBstrip') fclose(in); fclose(output);