Revision as of 15:21, 5 August 2010 by (talk) (Created page with '<pre> function [indexing,merloc,depthloc] = index1(lcdin) %created by Erik Stassinos %3/16/10 %this function will scan through the lcd file and determine the column %position in …')
function [indexing,merloc,depthloc] = index1(lcdin) %created by Erik Stassinos %3/16/10 %this function will scan through the lcd file and determine the column %position in the data field to operate on as well as locations of up and %down cast points lcd = lcdin; %= 'za110211a.lcd' fid = fopen(lcd); %---------------------loop1------------------------processed check while feof(fid) ~= 1 checkline = fgets(fid); if strncmp(checkline,'bbopdespike',11) ==1 disp('this file has already been despiked') disp('exiting') break end end frewind(fid) %----------------------endloop1-----------------end of processed check %-----------------------loop2--------------location for index/time/depth for i = 1:50 line = fgets(fid); if strncmp(line,'castid',6) == 1 intoloop = ftell(fid); count = 0; while strncmp(fgets(fid),'<sampled',8) ~= 1 pos = ftell(fid); count = count + 1; end sprintf('%s %d %s','there are',count,'casts') fseek(fid,intoloop,-1); for t= 1:count d= fgets(fid); n1(t,:) = textscan(d,'%*s %f %f %f'); end break end end % n1(1,1) %-------------------endloop2--------------end location for index/time/depth indexing(:,1) = n1(:,1); merloc(:,1) = n1(:,2); depthloc(:,1) = n1(:,3);