Revision as of 15:48, 5 August 2010 by (talk) (Created page with '<pre> function new_string=newline(old_string) % function new_string=newline(old_string) % % makes an array from a string which contains % carriage returns (e.g., string=ls). …')
function new_string=newline(old_string) % function new_string=newline(old_string) % % makes an array from a string which contains % carriage returns (e.g., string=ls). The % array will be padded with blanks to insure that % all rows have the same number of columns. if (abs(old_string(length(old_string)))~=10) old_string=[old_string,setstr(10)]; end i=[0,find(abs(old_string)==10)]; new_string=setstr(32*ones(length(i)-1,max(diff(i))-1)); for string=1:(length(i)-1), start=i(string)+1; stop=i(string+1)-1; len=stop-start+1; if (stop-start)>=1 new_string(string,1:len) = old_string(start:stop); end end