Read struc.m
Revision as of 15:53, 5 August 2010 by (talk) (Created page with '<pre> %READ_STRUC2.M %SRW 11/98,09/99 %Returns an empty structure in parfile not found. %Reads data into a structure from a file with, % 1) Field name lines begin with a #,##,##…')
%READ_STRUC2.M %SRW 11/98,09/99 %Returns an empty structure in parfile not found. %Reads data into a structure from a file with, % 1) Field name lines begin with a #,##,###, etc. % 3) Data lines must include ' ' for strings, and [],{} for arrays and % can go across lines without contiuation marks (...). % 3) #@ means put into all elements of that field % 4) % are comments % 5) If there are no (')'s or ([)'s in an entry, i.e. a block of text, % then a padded string array of lines is returned for that field. function [mystruc,struc_list]=read_struc3(filename) if (isempty(find(filename=='/')) &... isempty(find(filename=='\'))), file=fullfile(pwd,filename); else file=filename; end struc_name='mystruc'; fid=fopen(file,'r+'); %keyboard str1=[]; struc_list=[]; while fid~=-1 oline=fgetl(fid); % allow for comments following %'s eline=findstr(oline,'%'); if ~isempty(eline), oline=oline(1:eline-1); end if isempty(oline), %do nothing, go to next line elseif oline(1)=='#' | oline==-1, if oline(1)=='#', struc_field=oline(2:size(parse(oline,1),2)); struc_number=parse(oline,2); if ~isempty(struc_number), if struc_number(1)=='@'; struc_number=0; %copy to all strucures in the array end end end if ~isempty(str1), str1; %substitute for any macros, define in top level of structure while ~isempty(find(str1=='$')), mac_ind=find(str1=='$'); mac_name=str1((mac_ind(1)+1):(mac_ind(2)-1)); mac_val=eval([struc_name '.' mac_name]); mac_name=['$' mac_name '$']; if ~ischar(mac_val), mac_val=num2str(mac_val); end str1=strrep(str1,mac_name,mac_val); end % while while ~isempty(findstr('$',str)), mac_ind=findstr('$',str); mac_name=str((mac_ind(1)+1):(mac_ind(2)-1)); mac_val=eval([struc_name '.' mac_name]); mac_name=['$' mac_name '$']; if ~ischar(mac_val), mac_val=num2str(mac_val); end str=strrep(str,mac_name,mac_val); end % while struc_list=strvcat(struc_list, ... parse(str1(find(str1=='.')+1:find(str1=='=')),1)); if ~isempty(findstr(str,'''')) | ~isempty(findstr(str,'[')) |... ~isempty(findstr(str,'{')), eval([str1 str ';']) else eval([str1 'char(cstr);']) end if oline == -1, fclose(fid); return end end str1=[struc_name '.' struc_field ' = ']; str=[]; cstr={}; %still need to add @ option to copy to all structures % $$$ if struc_number>0, % $$$ str=[struc_name '(' struc_number ')' '.' struc_field ' = ']; % $$$ else % $$$ str=[struc_name '.' struc_field ' = ']; % $$$ end else str=[str oline]; if ~isempty(oline), cstr=[cstr; {oline}]; end end end eval([struc_name '= []' ';']) return