Read text.m
Revision as of 15:54, 5 August 2010 by (talk) (Created page with '<pre> % Title: READ_TEXT.M % Date: 7/99 % Author: SRW % Input: filename % Output: padded string array % Files: auxillary files % Assumes:…')
% Title: READ_TEXT.M % Date: 7/99 % Author: SRW % Input: filename % Output: padded string array % Files: auxillary files % Assumes: file formats, etc. % Purpose: reads a text file and returns padded string array % Calls: % Uses: who calls me? % Example: A=read_text(FILENAME) % NOTES: function [A]=read_text(filename) A=[]; filename; fid=fopen(filename,'r'); if fid==-1, return end while fid, nline=fgetl(fid); if nline==-1, break, end A=strvcat(A,nline); end fclose(fid); return