Process ac9.m
Revision as of 15:57, 5 August 2010 by (talk)
function process_ac9(pb) %created by Erik Stassinos 4/27/2010 %this is the main function that calls all the other processing functions in %order to processes the AC9 data. %run in processing directory now = pwd; sav_pb = pb; % % % % % % % % % % location = pwd; loclength = length(location); % %length of "processing" is 10 characters processcheck = location((loclength -9):loclength); if strncmp(processcheck,'processing',10) ~=1 warning('Run this function from processing directory only') return end % conv2lcd(pb) disp('Enter the CTD file for ctdstrip_E function') disp('This file should be titled XyymmddD.asc') disp('The ctd strip function depends on the traditional location of the CTD and for_ac9 folder') name = input('what is the file name? ','s') ctdstrip_E(pb,name) disp('Enter the lcd file name for E_BBstrip function') disp('The format of this file name should look like ayymmddd.lcd') bbstripfile = input('what is the file name? ','s') disp('1mer_time and 1depth will be stripped') E_BBstrip(pb,bbstripfile,'1mer_time','1depth','i') disp('Enter the file names for createdepth_ac9_pnb') disp('These should be the lcd and CTD files you wanted stripped') disp('Name format should look like XyymmddD.asc.strip and ayymmddd.lcd.strip ') Xnameis = input('The Xname is ','s') yorn = input('Are you sure? y or n ','s') yn = lower(yorn) if strncmp(yn,'n',1) == 1 Xnameis = input('The Xname is ','s') end lcdnameis = input('The aname is ','s') yorn = input('Are you sure? y or n ','s') yn = lower(yorn) if strncmp(yn,'n',1) == 1 lcdnameis = input('the aname is ','s') end [out]= createdepth_ac9_pnb(Xnameis,lcdnameis,pb); disp('Createdepth done, now doing zcorrection with scale and offset') scale = .9763; offset = -1.7880; % nd = 'new_depthoffset.txt'; % do = fopen(nd,'w'); % fprintf(do,'%s\n',pb); % fprintf(do,'%s\n',out.scale); % fprintf(do,'%s\n',out.offset); % fclose(do); zcorr(scale,offset); %zcorr(out.scale,out.offset) ac9bt % disp('Now running dspike') pause(2) dspike dspike disp('Now running indmovavg') pause(2) indmovavg() disp('Now running binner') pause(2) binner % %========================================= disp('retriveing .asc files from CTD dir.') pause(3) cd ..%/.. outer = pwd; cd('CTD'); cd(pb); cd('asc'); %clear all pattern = fullfile(pwd,'*.asc') list = dir(pattern); % for i = 1:size(list) list_ctd(i,:) = list(i).name end list_load('list_ctd',[1],{'list_ctd'}); for j=1:size(list_ctd,1), ctdsplit(list_ctd(j,:)); end cd(now); dlmwrite('list_ctd',list_ctd,'') disp('now making upused.txt') pause(2) makeup(pb) disp('Copy goac9.par and qcal.txt from a previous processing example') disp('Press return to continue') pause cd(now); disp('Now calling merge_ctdac9_v2') pause(2) merge_ctdac9_v2(sav_pb) cd(now); disp('Now calling goac9_tiho') pause(2) goac9_tiho pause(2) disp('Now copying files to "final" folder') eval('!mv *.cal ../final/') eval('!mv *.mat ../final/') eval('!mv *.ts ../final/') disp('Now running cleanup') cleanup() disp('AC9 processing complete')