Calibration process procedures
After calibration processing of calibration files
As of October 2010, AC-9 calibrations have been reprocessed with new 'Sit' values from Wetlabs AC meter protocol document, rev.P. The processing directory for AC9 calibrations is /pb/REPROCESS_2010/AC9/cals_reprocess/ instrument number(184) /QWATER/ year/date folder.
To process the calibration files, the device number _watertemp.txt file must be updated with the latest temperature value and .dat files must be present in the folder you wish to process in. ac9cal.m sources ac9cal_def.par in the cals_reprocess/LIST folder.
Reviewing calibrations
After processing, it is good to compare the latest calibration processed values with previous ones. For this, data from the _ave.txt files(which should be linked by you from the .txt files in the year/date folder) is added to the qcal_a_yy_yy.txt and qcal_c_yy_yy.txt files. ac9cal.m is restarted and the qcal file is now the *yy_yy.txt folder. Hit the last button ts_cal to view the whole time series.
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