Data preview (Mohawk to Arroyo Burro)

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Glider deployment between Mohawk and Arroyo Burro in August 2011. The glider struggled in repeating the zig-zag path, and about 4 transects adequately overlapped in space (1-4 or A-D), off of Arroyo Burro. The rest of the mission will not be included in this data preview. Arrows on the map indicate the path direction of the glider in each sector. Blue line indicates the Santa Barbara cost line. The table shows the start/end time of each transect (Santa Barbara time), as well as the distance traveled.

Map and table aug.png

Overview of science data along the 4 transects. Temperature plots are overlapped with glider path in the water column. Outliers were excluded. Chlorophyll fluorescence are in raw counts (no attempt to convert to concentration units was made). The raw oxygen data also presents large differences between upcast/downcast observations. Here, oxygen is expressed in terms of AOU, and only downcast data was plotted as it seems the most consistent. Currently working on correcting the oxygen data: adjusting the lag (25s for the phase data and 10s for the temperature data), replacing the internal optode temperature data with CTD data, more reliable (differences of up to 3 degrees Celsius are observed when compared the two), and adjusting the measurements for salinity levels (as the optode is calibrated for fresh waters). Total scattering comes from the fluorometer sensor (chlorophyll + cdom + total scattering puck), and is measured at 700 nm. Backscattering at 660nm from the backsterring puck showed very similar patterns (not posted here). Backscattering sensors for 470nm and 532nm, and CDOM flouorometer are currently not working properly. Interpolation method used in all graphs: krigging, 1m-bin vertically.

Temp sal chl nov aou bb aug.png