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% Title: AC9CAL.M % Date: % Author: srw % Input: ['par_name','par_value', etc] % Output: % Files: ac9cal_cb.m,ac9cal_gui.mat % Assumes: % Purpose: View and process ac9 calibration data % Calls: ac9cal_cb, % Uses: % Example: ac9cal or ac9cal('list_file','foo.txt') % NOTES: comments and caveats % % ac9cal returns the figure number of the ac9cal gui and the % structure stored in the ac9calFig userdata, % ac9.par field initially contains acrcal_def.par values and is then % updated according to arguments passed to this function. % ac9.other fields are for each object in ac9calFig and contain a value % and a string field. % Creates/raises ac9cal figure, initializes/gets ac9 structure. % Assigns parameters passed through function call to ac9.par fields, % no need for define/default values here as there are taken care of % in ac9cal_cb('init'). % Updates userdata in ac9calFig. % Raises QcaledFig1, if open, gets filename and properties from QcaledFig1. % Good for finding ac9cal window from matlab prompt. % Updates ac9calFig objects and userdata in ac9calFig. % % NOTE: Values in the userdata structure do reflect changes on the % gui until an ac9cal_cb('par_update') is given. function [ac9calfig,ac9]=ac9cal(varargin) if nargin==1 & strcmp(varargin{1},'quit'), file_gui_cb('CloseAll'); return end %Create/raise ac9cal figure ac9calfig=findall(0,'Tag','ac9calFig'); if isempty(ac9calfig), ac9.par=ac9cal_cb('init'); ac9calfig=ac9cal_cb('ac9cal_gui','par',ac9.par); else figure(ac9calfig); ac9=get(ac9calfig,'User'); end ac9cal_cb('reset'); %Update ac9.par fields with pairs passed to this function narg=length(varargin); nrow=narg/2; if nrow==round(nrow), for iarg=1:2:length(varargin), eval(['ac9.par.' varargin{iarg} '= varargin{iarg+1}']); end else display('ac9cal_cb: command line pairs not correctly formed'); return end %Store in ac9calfig userdata set(ac9calfig,'User',ac9); % filename=ac9.par.list_file; %assign list_file in QcaledFig, the list_file editor, if there fig=findobj('Tag','QcaledFig1'); if ~isempty(fig), get(findobj(fig,'Tag','list_file'),'String'); if ~isempty(ans), filename=ans; end str=strvcat('prop','abs','fluid','air'); %Update ac9calfig objects with values from QcaledFig1 for ip=1:4, get(findobj(fig,'Tag',deblank(str(ip,:))),'Value'); set(findobj(ac9calfig,'Tag',deblank(str(ip,:))),'Value',ans); end end set(findobj(ac9calfig,'Tag','list_file'),'String',filename); %Poll and parse all objects for sting and value, put into ac9 ac9=ac9cal_cb('par_update'); %Store in ac9calfig userdata set(ac9calfig,'User',ac9); return