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function cpsfile(letters) %function to create lisst_prr.txt for prr processing %looks in lcd directory and checks(for now) "anan...lcd" d = fullfile(pwd,'*.lcd'); %d2 = fullfile(pwd,'*.lcd.1'); r = dir(d); %r2 = dir(d2); s =1; anname =(''); for i = 1:size(r) name = r(i).name; t = strncmp(name,letters,length(letters)); %was "anan" if t ==1 name = strtrim(name); anname(s,:) = name; s = s+1; end end if isempty(anname) ==1 d2 = fullfile(pwd,strcat(letters,'*')); %removed .lcd.1 too unique r2 = dir(d2); for i = 1:size(r2) name2 = r2(i).name; t = strncmp(name2,letters,length(letters)); %was "anan" if t ==1 name2 = strtrim(name2); anname(s,:) = name2; s = s+1; end end end dlmwrite(strcat(letters(1:3),'list_prr.txt'),anname,'')
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