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%PARSE2.M %Takes a string and returns val token. %Returns [] if val token does not exist. %Returns val token and rest of line if val<0 including any blanks. %returns cell array of all tokens if val==0. %does the same thing as parse.m in a slightly different way. %useage: out=parse(string,val) function [out,rem]=parse(string,val); out=[]; cout={}; maxline=0; for irow=1:size(string,1), p=[]; r=string(irow,:); while ~isempty(r), [t,r]=strtok(r); p=strvcat(p,t); end prow{irow}=p; %pad lines with blanks to make all matrices on row same length maxline=max(maxline,size(p,1)); end for irow=1:size(string,1), p=prow{irow}; %pad lines with blanks to make all matrices on row same length nline=maxline-size(p,1); for iline=1:nline, p=strvcat(p,' '); end cout=[cout cellstr(p)]; end cout=cout'; if abs(val)<=size(cout,2), if val<0, if length(val)~=1, error('parse.m: for val < 1, length(val) == 1.'); end val=abs(val):size(cout,2); end if val~=0, for irow=1:size(cout,1), tout=[]; for icol=val, tout=[tout cout{irow,icol} ' ' ]; end out=strvcat(out,tout); end out=deblank(out); else, out=cout; end end return %TODO %make work for string arrays with different numbers of words on %each line. %if no val field put in an empty cell %add rem output of (val+1):end as a string