Prr split file
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function prr_split_file(filename) %Created by Erik Stassinos 10/29/2013 %This function takes the input single lcd and then splits it into up into %multiple files... one cast per file %looks at downcast matrix and splits the file accordingly fid = fopen(filename); %============== get the indexes of data to split the file [in,mer,dep] = index1(filename); ic = size(in,1); %============== %==============create coppies of the filters used list tmp_fltr = fopen(['fltr',filename],'w+'); while ~feof(fid) chkline =fgets(fid); %fprintf(tmp_fltr,'%s',chkline); if strncmp(chkline,'<filters_used>',6)==1 %break %end while ~feof(fid) chkline =fgets(fid); fprintf(tmp_fltr,'%s',chkline); end end end fclose(tmp_fltr); %============== %==============end create filter copies %============== read through the original file to create copies of header %==============to write frewind(fid); tmp_hdr = fopen(['hdr',filename],'w+'); while ~feof(fid) chkline =fgets(fid); fprintf(tmp_hdr,'%s',chkline); if strncmp(chkline,'<data>',6)==1 break end end fclose(tmp_hdr); %============== %============== end read through to create header file %============== Read the data to make a temp data file of each indexic = size(in,1); %============== disp('number of files to create = ') ic./2 tempmat = ['tempm',filename]; tm = fopen(tempmat,'w+'); for i = 1:ic/2 %generate mat file names for each cast to break up mname = strcat('mat_',num2str(i),'_',filename); mnamelist(i,:) = mname; end l =0; while strncmp(l,'<filters_used>',14) ~=1 l = fgets(fid); if strncmp(l,'<filters_used>',14) == 1 break end fprintf(tm,l); end fclose(tm); mat = load(tempmat); width = length(mat(1,:)); count =1; for lp = 1:2:ic step1 = lp; step2 = lp+1; for ij = in{step1}:1:in{step2}; castmatrix(ij-(in{step1}-1),:) = mat(ij,1:width); %starts from 1 and goes to in2 end dlmwrite(mnamelist(count,:),castmatrix,'delimiter',' ','precision','%.5d'); count = count +1; end %============= %=============end make individual matrix files %=============create new LCDs %============= tmp_hdr = fopen(['hdr',filename],'r'); tmp_fltr = fopen(['fltr',filename],'r'); %new list file splitlist = fopen('slist.txt','r+'); if splitlist == -1 splitlist = fopen('slist.txt','w+'); else fseek(splitlist,0,1);%puts line pointer at end of file to write end for lp =1:ic/2 new_f = fopen([filename,'.',num2str(lp)],'w+'); while ~feof(tmp_hdr) rline = fgets(tmp_hdr); fprintf(new_f,rline); end matfile = fopen(mnamelist(lp,:)); while ~feof(matfile) mline = fgets(matfile); fprintf(new_f,mline); end fprintf(new_f,'%s\n','<filters_used>') while ~feof(tmp_fltr) rline = fgets(tmp_fltr); fprintf(new_f,rline); end frewind(tmp_hdr); frewind(tmp_fltr); fprintf(splitlist,'%s\n',[filename,'.',num2str(lp)]) end %=========== %===========end make new lcd's delete mat* delete hdr* delete tmp* fclose all
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