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function COPSradQC(infile,path)%,channel,threshold) %This is a quality control function for PRR radiometer processing %check and flag data of spectral channels by comparing each value to a %threshold %created by Erik Stassinos 4/27/2011 %This function will process the infile(assume LCD format) %for now file processing will always be of type 'a' which is a simple %comparison function between channel values and the threshold %This script has been modified to work with a list file now 7/1/2011 %====> made a procfile loop and changed added filters loop intype = 'a'; %hardcoding type = lower(intype); chanind =0; flag = -9.9E35; ct = 1; %arbitrary counter infile = strtrim(infile); if strncmp(type,'a',1) ==1 disp('you are doing a comparison') %load rcq list %proclist = load('/home/data65/pb/REPROCESS_2010/PRR/rqclist.txt'); procfile = fopen(path);% modified to tak in path'/home/data65/pb/REPROCESS_2010/PRR/rqclist.txt'); end while ~feof(procfile) line = fgets(procfile); line = strsplit(line); chan = line{1}; thresh = str2num(line{2}); %[chan, thresh] = textread(path,'%s %f'); %modified to put in path 1-10-2013 if ct ==54 break end channel = chan;%{ct} threshold = thresh;%(ct) infid = fopen(infile); %===READ LCD FILE AND GET INDEX OF CHANNEL=== lineind =0; %frewind(infid) while ~feof(infid) line = fgets(infid); if strncmp(line,'<sampled_parameters>',20) ==1 while strncmp(line,'<data>',6) ~= 1 lineind = lineind +1; line = fgets(infid); if strncmp(line,'<derived_parameters>',20) == 1 lineind = lineind -1; end if strncmp(channel,line,5) ==1 chanind = lineind; end end end end %===RESET READ LCD AND LOAD ONLY DATA INTO DATA FILE=== frewind(infid) dataname = strcat('radQCmat',infile); dataname = strrep(dataname,'.lcd',''); datafid = fopen(dataname,'r+'); if datafid == -1 disp('cant open dataname, creating file') datafid = fopen(dataname,'w+'); end if ct ==1; while ~feof(infid) testline = fgets(infid); if strncmp(testline,'<data>',6) ==1 %start of data section while strncmp(testline,'<filters_used>',14) ~=1 testline = fgets(infid); if strncmp(testline,'<filters_used>',14) ==1 % fprintf(datafid,testline); % testline % pause break end fprintf(datafid,testline); end end end fclose(datafid); frewind(infid); end %===DO QUALITY CONTROL AND REPLACE DATA WITH FLAG IF NEEDED=== QCdata = load(dataname); checkcol = QCdata(:,chanind); badloc = find(checkcol < threshold); checkcol(badloc) = flag; QCdata_new = QCdata; %QCdata_new(:,chanind) QCdata_new(:,chanind) = checkcol; %QCdata_new(:,chanind) dlmwrite(dataname,QCdata_new,'delimiter',' ','precision',6); %overwrite old matrix file %===INSERT NEW DATA INTO NEW LCD=== frewind(infid); %if ct ==1 qclcd = fopen(strcat('rqc',infile),'w+'); %else % qclcd = fopen(strcat('rqc',infile),'r+'); %end while ~feof(infid) pos = fgets(infid); fprintf(qclcd,pos); if strncmp(pos,'<data>',6) ==1 %start of data section break end end datafile = fopen(dataname); while ~feof(datafile) %for loop = 1:length(QCdata_new) datln = fgets(datafile); fprintf(qclcd,datln); end %===ADD TO FILTERS USED ON NEW LCD=== %if ct ==1 %%%new for list file while ~feof(infid) lcdline = fgets(infid); if strncmp(lcdline,'<filters_used>',14) ==1 %fseek(qclcd,0,'eof') fprintf(qclcd,'%s\n','<filters_used>'); while ~feof(infid) filter = fgets(infid); fprintf(qclcd,'%s',filter); end end end clear channel clear threshold ct = ct +1; fclose(infid); %keyboard end fclose('all'); %===loop to add list of filters procfile = fopen('/home/oceancolor/Plumes_and_Blooms/workspace/eriks/C-OPS/Copsrqclist.txt'); qclcd = fopen(strcat('rqc',infile),'r+'); fseek(qclcd,0,'eof'); fgets(qclcd); %[chan,threshold] = textread('/home/oceancolor/Plumes_and_Blooms/workspace/eriks/C-OPS/Copsrqclist.txt','%s '); chanfid = fopen('/home/oceancolor/Plumes_and_Blooms/workspace/eriks/C-OPS/Copsrqclist.txt'); while ~feof(chanfid) channelII = fgets(chanfid); if isempty(strtrim(channelII)) break end fprintf(qclcd,'%s','radQC '); fprintf(qclcd,'%s',intype); fprintf(qclcd,'%s',' '); fprintf(qclcd,'%s',channelII); end
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