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function lisstcheck(filename) %Written by Erik Stassinos 10/08/2011 %This function is designed to look at IOP fram lisst data. %file names are DH4 waped LISST names fp = fopen(filename) i=1; startbrak(i) = 1; count =1; deptharray =0; while ~feof(fp) %to get size of file databuff = fgets(fp); count = count +1; end frewind(fp) ind =1; clsind =1; for i = 1:count databuff = fgets(fp); %size(databuff) if strncmp(databuff,'{',1) % == 1 %index to find open bracket disp('found it first'); startbrack(ind) =i; ind = ind +1; end % if ind < 3 if i == (startbrack(ind-1)) + 37 %finding the depth disp('found depth') depth = databuff; depth = str2num(depth)*.01; deparr(ind) = depth; end % end if strncmp(databuff,'}',1) %== 1 %index to find close bracket endbrack(clsind) = i; disp('found close bracket') clsind = clsind +1; end end deparr; dlmwrite(strcat('lisstdepth',filename),deparr',''); %write the depth array %read just data loop %checking for indexes %endbrack %startbrack rp = fopen(filename); goodindex =1; np = fopen('lisstnobrack','w+') for rpi =1:count % loop to print without brackets num = fgets(rp) if strncmp(num,'{',1) == 1 disp('passing') continue end if strncmp(num,'}',1) == 1 continue end fprintf(np,'%s',num) lisstnumbers(rpi) = {num}; count rpi end fclose all ct =1; r=1; t=1; lisstdat = load('lisstnobrack'); %put data into parallel columns %40 columns in all while t <= length(lisstdat) holder(r,:) = lisstdat(t,:); r=r+1; if t == 40*ct %|| t ==1 cycle through 40 columns then restart to get data indexarr(ct,:) = holder'; ct = ct +1; clear holder r=1; end t = t +1; if t == length(lisstdat) dlmwrite('LISST_indexarr',indexarr,' ') return end end %save('indexarr', indexarr) return